How Generative AI is Changing the CX Game

Generative AI can create unique customer experiences by identifying patterns and making precise predictions – a great asset for companies in their CX strategy.


Gabriel Pana

July 24, 2024 4:00 PM

5 min read

There’s no denying that ChatGPT and OpenAI have become a topic of conversation everywhere now. 

Whether it is around the water cooler or in the news, it is almost certain that the majority of us have already heard of it or maybe even used it. Let’s be honest – we’ve all tried it at least once for our personal fun.

Actually, it is impossible to miss this topic since this revolutionary technology is making waves across the tech industry. While some of us might think of ChatGPT as a simple chatbot, it is, in fact, a generative artificial intelligence technology that has transformed our businesses. 

So, what exactly is Generative AI?

In short, Generative AI refers to the concept of artificial intelligence that can create content. Whether it is in the form of text or images, generative AI can build something new and personalized based on our explanations.

For this reason, we all have started wrapping our heads around OpenAI’s tools – ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 – because whether we want to accept them or not, they are definitely game-changers in the AI field. They can produce anything from a Renaissance painting of a cat in a superhero cape to creating code from scratch or even writing a short story. 

This is possible because these generative AI tools are developed using large language models (LLMs). In simple terms, they are powered on a tremendous amount of data and trained on millions of conversations. Even more so, besides the ability to create content, generative AI is simultaneously able to understand and comprehend us. 

That’s why generative AI’s impressive abilities are not only able to transform our media department but could also revolutionize the customer experience. 

Generative AI can create unique customer experiences by identifying patterns and making highly precise predictions. Advanced generative AI technology not only offers guidance for generating content but also guarantees the content’s quality, helps us design conversational flows, and lends expertise in integration. Overall, generative AI is our toolbox for improving our CX. 

But Generative AI can also be used to automate our customer support. By combining a large language model with a machine learning algorithm, it can create personalized responses in real time, allowing support teams to redirect their attention to tasks where human input is necessary. 

What is the Role of Generative AI in CX?

Generative AI’s primary role in CX is to improve customer engagement!

This technology can identify patterns in customer interactions, providing insights into why some customers are more engaged than others and what type of content they are more prone to find engaging. Companies can use Generative AI to their advantage as they can determine customer trends and optimize these findings. 

Conversational AI specialists can train chatbots utilizing existing customer data, from which Generative AI can gain a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and preferences. Specialists can also generate a tone and voice that customers can connect with, creating a sense of trust and security. Additionally, specialists can configure an algorithm where complex questions are automatically directed to the appropriate departments. Not only will this enhance the effectiveness of automated customer service, but it will absolutely lead to increased customer satisfaction.

Even more so, Generative AI has the possibility of providing customers with personalized product recommendations tailored to their demographics. For example, a gaming company targeting teenagers and young adults may use generative AI with a more playful and lively tone than a legal firm catering to businesses and corporations. This way, companies will foster a comfortable environment for them to communicate. 

But remember! The core of having a Generative AI technology is to improve your existing strategy, not to replace it entirely! 

While companies have already implemented this technology, experts explain that you shouldn’t fire your team yet. Not all content should be generated automatically. Because Generative AI is yet to be as advanced as we would like it to be right now, there might be some limitations that we should be aware of. 

For example, although we train this technology on a large amount of data, it doesn’t mean that it might not provide some incorrect information as well, significantly, if the model isn’t updated regularly. It can also perpetuate human biases, which might harm the brand’s image, primarily if these biases do not correspond with our company’s values.

Additionally, another fundamental limitation that our customers might have an issue with is: trust. Do they feel safe enough to trust a chatbox to address their issues? While many of us are already embracing the advancements of technology, we must be mindful that other people might not. That’s why we must have a fallback plan, such as human representatives available to assist our customers with their concerns. 

Each organization should evaluate the potential benefits but also the risks associated with implementing a Generative AI layer. 

But if we decide to integrate a Generative AI technology, we must anticipate how it could damage our strategy so we can be prepared for any fallbacks. For this reason, we must carefully plan the desired customer experience and develop a content strategy plan so that any potential issues with safety and accuracy can be avoided. 

However, Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the customer experience in the future – there's no denying that! So, as Generative AI continues to advance, be prepared to embrace it because it will entirely transform the customer experience!


Gabriel Pana

July 24, 2024 4:00 PM

5 min read

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